SIZE: 915mm(36″) x915mm(36″) x457mm(18″)
CB5C COSHH Double Door Storage Cabinet supplied with one free shelf.
COSHH Storage Cabinets are suitable for the safe storage of hazardous substances in the workplace as required by COSHH regulations.
All our hazardous storage cabinets comply with the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR), Paragraphs 94-96, along with appendices A & B and Paragraph 104 in the DSEAR ACoP L136 together with the Factory Inspectorates Certificate of Approval No.1 parts 3 and 4.
All cabinets also comply with highly flammable and liquefied petroleum gases regulation 1972, and Health and Safety guide HSG51.
A conformity note is supplied with every cabinet for Health & Safety records.
All cabinets comply with highly flammable and liquefied petroleum gases regulation 1972, and Health and Safety guide HSG51.
The cabinets are constructed from 18 and 20 gauge steel. Finished in tough epoxy polyester, grey hammer finish. Supplied with warning labels.
Doors are reinforced for rigidity, and fitted with a metal chrome locking handle with 2 keys (spare keys available).
All eight corners are welded for strength and to ensure the tank is leak proof.
Adjustable shelves at 25mm increments, so you choose the position you require.
Stands and spare shelves available for all cabinets.
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